
Impacting an estimated 11% of
women worldwide

What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic, painful, loose connective tissue disorder, occurring almost exclusively in women. It is characterised by disregulated and disproportionate fat growth, most commonly found in the legs and arms, and less commonly in other areas of the body.

Lipoedema is usually exacerbated during times of hormonal change, and is resistant to conventional lifestyle modifications. It is progressive and incurable, but there are management strategies that can reduce symptoms, including conservative measures and in some cases, surgery.

Three smiling ladies in front of a pale wall.  The ladies are dressed in black and white workout gear, showing their lipoedema affected limbs as well as huge smiles for the camera

Lipoedema Australia’s Vision

A world where lipoedema is easily recognised, well supported and treated effectively.

Lipoedema Australia’s Mission

To raise awareness, promote acceptance of and advocate for those living with lipoedema.

Lipoedema in the Media

ABC Specialist Reporting Team - March 2023

ABC Specialist Reporting Team - March 2023

ABC Specialist Reporting Team - March 2023

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Our Sponsors

By becoming a valued corporate sponsor, Medirent provides essential funding that contributes to increasing awareness of lipoedema through its support of Lipoedema Australia. In addition to a variety of products, Medirent's compression pumps can also aid in the circulation of lymphatic fluid, making a significant difference in the lives of those with lipoedema.

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